Sound Science

Excerpt from Sound of Creation series:


In March of 2003, I toured Japan. Over one month, I did nine Peace Journey concerts in a number of different cities on the main island, Honshu. At each concert I placed purified water inside the quartz crystal bowls in the center of the room. Everyone would be lying down, allowed to go on their own personal journey of inner peace with the music. At the end of the concerts, we would all sit up and create a collective “om” sound for about 10 minutes, playing the bowls, praying, toning, and sending healing energy into the water. Finally, we would all drink the water (passing around cups of water taken from the quartz bowls). Any remaining water would go into a nearby ocean, river, lake, sewer system, etc. to spread the prayer.

I had invited Dr. Emoto to the Tokyo Museum concert, and his lab took samples of the water. This heart-shaped crystal is one of the three photos from the concert he sampled. Dr. Emoto remarked that crystal structures usually have a hexagonal shape in the middle, and this was a shape he had not seen before.

These photos are from water exposed to the music from Kimba’s album Gaearth Dreaming.

From a Musical Sound Journey with Kimba
9-12-2011, Boulder, CO

Recorded using Sputnik sensor (sold here!) Recorded by Konstantin Korotkov.

Top graph area represents energy of the space, bottom graph intensity represents entropy in the space.


1. Beginning of the session
2. First meditation
3. Didjeridu
4. Chakra toning
5. Sound journey
6. Silence (end of sound journey)
7. closing circle– note: at the end of marking 7, right before marking 8, where energy drops sharply: a lady from the audience performs non-fitting song
8. community and food sharing