Kimba Arem

Kimba Arem is an international performer and recording artist, music engineer, molecular biologist, classically trained musician since age seven, subtle energy and sound therapist, and a full time spiritual seeker since her transformational wake up call– a near death experience– in 1992.  She was shown the importance of following one’s heart… an age-old precept that finally made sense to her in the most profound of ways.  Life simply couldn’t continue for her– at least not a long and happy one, as she was shown during that experience– unless she found her natural gifts, and expressed them in service to others.  Music, a natural gift and passion for her from a young age, turned out to be the way to put her heart’s joy into practice.

Since her transformation in 1992 which drastically changed the direction of her life, she has striven to incorporate what she was shown into her life’s work. Her overwhelming realization from that experience was that the direction of cutting edge healing modalities, as well as the nature of reality, incorporates the awareness that at the basis of everything is vibration.  This awareness has gone to new octaves over a lifetime of study and experience.

Shortly following this near death experience, while attending graduate school studying Taoist Chinese Acupuncture and herbs, she was introduced to the ancient idea of using sound as medicine. She learned that before needles were used, according to the Taoist teachings (and many other ancient lineages), sound was used to stimulate and tone the acupuncture points and energy/meridian channels.  She has now been practicing sound therapy– including various other subtle energy/frequency based modalities– for nearly 30 years.

In addition to her rigorous scientific background, acupuncture training, and sound therapy career, she has actively studied and been involved in shamanic practices from around the world since 1992. The awareness of using expanded consciousness to tap into healing and harmonizing energies beyond the five main senses is thus incorporated into her work.

Kimba has developed a private practice grown out of her extensive experience and training in sound therapy, multiple forms of energy medicine, biogeometry/geomancy, herbology, alchemy, homeopathy, nutrition, and supplement therapy. She has incorporated these diverse elements into a multi-dimensional approach to healing.

In a private sound session, she uses a vibrasound table tuned to amplify and her live instrumentation–  the transducers transmit the frequencies into the body, designed to vibrate within the frequency range of the human skeletal system. Her main instrument is a quartz crystal didjeridu which she designed, as well as a four-chambered Celtic flute,  waterphone, multi-chambered Native American flutes, , Tibetan and crystal bowls, tingshas, tuning forks, harp, Aboriginal bullroarer, native drums and unique percussion instruments, as well as chants of various sacred and healing mantras from ancient cultures around the world (see demos of some of these one of a kind instruments in the “unusual instruments” section.

Kimba is dedicated to educating and assisting the planet in harmonious awakening and transformation through sacred sound and frequency.

Kimba co-founded an integral health clinic in Colorado called Radiance Health.  She is president, and sits on the board of directors.

Her main offerings include composing and engineering music for media and film, producing CDs (13 so far), group sound therapy journeys, teaching one on one or workshops and other presentations, book editing, and private sound therapy sessions.  She also does music for guided medicine journeys and a number of her CDs are used around the world for this purpose.

Her music for therapy CDs currently in print include: Waltz of the Moon, Vibrational Sound Healing, Gaearth Dreaming, Peace Journey, The Healing Didjeridu, Creation’s Tone, Psychedelic Prayers, The Way of Water (released in 2010), Color of Sound, Journey into Kosmos, and Self-Healing with Sound and Music with Kimba Arem and Dr. Andrew Weil. Her latest CD, Crossing the Great Waters, is intended to help with major life transitions, which include birthing and dying.

Please see Kimba’s full list of audio productions.

A bit more on her personal philosophy:

Kimba feels that we each have unique talents, “our own personal genius,” and gifts that, when discovered and expressed, will bring us health and abundance. 

Because she realized that her gifts– like many of us– might not fit into clearly defined or traditional roles, forging new pathways with courage is often required when following the heart.

It also requires patience and perseverance to attain one’s full potential… which to her translates as coherence between the power of the mind, the heart, our intuition, and integrity in what we think, say, and do.  In this way we can each restore the power of the Word to once again have creative potential within the human species.

She believes that each one of us that finds the spark within and lights this inner flame, emanates a frequency that ignites others to do the same, in their own unique way… and a planet of people doing this can potentially create a major frequency shift– a new reality that transforms our world.






  • Bachelor of Science with Honors, Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Arizona, 1993
  • Honors thesis in Nutrition and Food Science— Enzyme Secretion in Response to Dietary Lipase Regulation–  1992-1993
  • Graduation with Phi Beta Kappa, with the most honors units on record at the University of Arizona
  • Acupuncture Graduate Studies:  Tai Hsuan Foundation– 1994 -1995
  • Medical and Nutritional Sciences—245 hours
  • Biomedical Sciences—120 hours
  • Clinical Sciences—246 hours
  • Herbal Medical Sciences—120 hours
  • Reiki I, Reiki II, and Reiki III (Master level), 1997-1999
  • Member of Golden Key National Honors Society
  • Audio/video engineering since 1998— Acid, Logic Pro, Protools, Final Cut
  • Studio session engineering and recording
  • Biogeometry training– Vesica Institute– Advanced level


  • Classical piano training from age seven
  • Classical silver flute training from age eleven
  • Training in Northern Arizona University Music College, 1983-1986
  • Didjeridu player since 1993, instructor since 1997
  • Harp
  • Various indigenous instruments


  • Secret of Water  movie–  co-producer, and creator of the musical score
  • Sound of Creation series– director, and creator of the musical score

Music score for productions:

  • Gregg Braden Divine Matrix series– season 3
  • Ancient Civilizations series– seasons 3, 4, 5 and 6
  • Psychedelica series—  (co-produced season 1 and co-produced and scored season 2)
  • Ascension Keepers seriesWilliam Henry 
  • Sacred Geometry series– Robert Gilbert
  • Legacy series– Uri Geller
  • Israeli museum video– Uri Geller
  • Exploring 20th Century Nutrition— parts 1 and 2– Dr. Bob Marshall
  • Intro/outros for the shows: Inspirations, Deep Space, Drunvalo Melchezidek, Open Minds, Lilou Mace, and The 11th Hour



Kimba was the editor for the following books:

  • French Sumerian scholar Anton Parks books:
    • Secret of the Dark Stars
    • Dream of Eternal Time— Ğírkù Chronicles I
    •  Adam Genesis
    • Chaos of Origins
    • Last Walk of the Gods
    • Awakening of the Phoenix
    • Corpus Deae
  • Forward and editor for Mary Atkins, A Journey of Creative Healing
  • Contributor– Dr. Fred Grover, Spiritual Genomics
  • Contributor– Justin St. Vincent, The Spiritual Significance of Music
  • Editing– Dan Knudsen, You Got This
  • Magazine articles published in 2003: Star People (Japan), Inspirations, The Kaua’i, Natural Spirit (Japan)


(Some of these albums are out of print or only available digitally, but can be reprinted upon request.)

  • Crossing the Great Waters
  • Self-Healing with Sound and Music (Kimba and Dr. Andrew Weil)
  • Vibrational Sound Healing (Kimba and Dr. Andrew Weil)
  • Gaearth Dreaming CD/DVD set
  • The Way of Water
  • Psychedelic Prayers 2 CD set
  • Crossing the Great Waters
  • Peace Journey
  • Color of Sound– Super Audio CD
  • The Healing Didjeridu– instructional CD
  • Creation’s Tone
  • Creation’s Overtone
  • Voice of the Earth
  • Between Blue
  • Innerdimensonal
  • Mind-Body Toolkit (Kimba and Dr. Andrew Weil)
  • Many Rivers Ensemble
  • Blood Moon


  • Music scoring for Gaia–(see above section Film Scoring)
  • Music score (and co producer) for the movie Secret of Water, a GAIAM release (now
  • Music for The Creative Me– art therapy website
  • Music for Once in Time, audio production and performance series
  • Music for Cardiac Coherence CD with Dr. Alan Watkins (HearthMath)
  • Music contribution for the movie The Raven—The Chosen One
  • Music for opening sequence on Kaua’i Astrocartography informational video
  • Music for The Art of Playing the Didjeridu teaching video
  • Music for KKCR radio show The Joy of Learning opening sequence
  • Music for opening sequences of Healing Stories audio tape series
  • Music for meditation– Eclectic Sojourner, audio production
  • Music for Mothership audio production
  • Music for Feng Shui audio production
  • Producer and musician for Kaua’i Poetry CD
  • Producer and musician for Suzanne Kennedy Sacred Union CD series
  • Music for You are the Gift audio CD
  • Music for Conquering Math Anxiety mediation tape to accompany book—Brooks/Cole 2002
  • Music for Soothe Your Soul, Seven Masters, and One Path CDs– John Selby
  • CD release August 1998, Creation’s Tone, audio production
  • CD release June 2000, Heartherapy—Hear the Earth, audio production
  • CD release September 2000, Innerdimensional, audio production
  • CD release January 2001, Heartherapy CD Compilation, audio production
  • CD release October 2001, Creation’s Overtone, audio production
  • CD release April 2002 Voice of the Earth, audio production
  • CD release February 2003 Earth Kundalini audio production
  • CD release May 2003 Peace Journey audio production
  • CD release June 2003 You are the Gift audio production–Angel Farms
  • AO CD- contributions to Hokulea


  • Private practice, sound therapy, 1994 – present
  • Didjeridu workshops, 1997– present
  • Sound as Medicine workshops 2004– present
  • Recording artist, 1995 – present
  • Concert performer, 1997 – present
  • Workshop presenter, 1995 – present
  • Recording artist, 1995 – present – 13 CDs released
  • Sound therapy training 2012 — present
  • Co-producer of documentary film Secret of Water
  • Circles of Light Board member/workshop presenter 2000
  • Autism consultant, skills trainer, music therapist 2001-2007
  • Research associate, University of Arizona, Dept. of Nutrition and Food Science, Enzyme Secretion in Response to Dietary Lipase Regulation (thesis paper)
  • Research associate, University of Arizona, Dept. of Anatomy, Study of Endosomes and their Function in the Cell (NIH-funded project with U.B.R.P.)
  • Certified college tutor in biology, chemistry, math, health, psychology, and physics– University of Arizona, S.A.L.T. program (Strategic Alternative Learning Techniques)
  • Veterinary technician, Tucson Humane Society, anesthesiology and surgery assistant in spay and neuter clinic
  • Recording Artist, Virgin Interactive Entertainment, original music for the soundtrack of the movie The Raven
  • Nutritional Advisor: New Life Health Centers, Tucson, AZ
  • Nutritional Advisor: Reay’s Natural Foods Market, Tucson, AZ
  • Nutritional Advisor: Kokua Health Foods Cooperatives, Oahu, Hawaii
  • Office supervisor, Dr. Yarema Center for Integrative Medicine 10/98-5/99
  • Medical Records Specialist and Birth Certificate Registrar, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tucson, AZ
  • University of Arizona Science Connection project coordinator, educating and involving primary and middle school students in fun experiential science projects


  • Instructor for Dr. Andrew Weil’s Integrative Medicine Program—October 2002, 2006
  • Musician for Dr. Weil book release– Healthy Aging tour October-December 2005 (six-city tour)
  • Facilitator/sound therapist at Jonathan Goldman’s Healing Sound Intensives 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010
  • Opening for Dr. Weil’s Healthy Aging weekend at Miraval, Tucson, Arizona Fall 2006
  • Dr. Emoto Message from Water tour, Februrary 2005 and 2006, Oahu, and Kaua’i, Hawai’i
  • Music for Gregg Braden/Kryon event, Boulder, CO, January 2015
  • Music for Larry Dossey/IANDS Conference, 2017
  • Music for Rich Straussman presentation 2017
  • Music for Dennis McKenna presentation, 2017
  • Music for Michael Tellinger presentation 2017
  • Music for Joe Dispenza workshop 2013
  • Music for Don Campbell (author of The Mozart Effect) at ISSSEEM conference 2002
  • Various events with Boulder Community Hospital, Y on Earth (Biodynamic stirs), Dances of Universal Peace– ongoing
  • Ongoing sacred sound journey events and workshops
  • Ongoing personal and group sound therapy training
  • Workshop presenter and performer at Globe Sound Therapy conference San Francisco 2014 and 2022– also on closing panel
  • Music performer at MAPS conference in San Francisco and NAPS conferences in Boulder, Colorado
  • Music presenter at Co-creator Convergence Sunrise Ranch 2016
  • Workshop presenter at 14th annual ISSSEEM conference–June 2004
  • Workshop presenter at 12th annual ISSSEEM conference– June 2002
  • Entertainment coordinator for Earthfest Kauai, 1997-2002
  • Workshop presenter at Omega Institute, July 2002
  • Coordinator of weekly/monthly Music as Medicine gatherings on the Hawaiian islands and on the mainland, 1995 – 2019
  • Didjeridu and Sound as Medicine Workshops at the Integral Living Society, San Francisco, 1999, 2000
  • Circles of Light workshop presenter, 2000-2003
  • Workshop presenter in Second Annual Spirit of Learning Conference 2001 sponsored by Findhorn, October 2001
  • Coordinator and sponsor of Jonathan Goldman workshops in Kaua’i– February 1999, September 2000
  • Coordinator and sponsor of Dr. Masaru Emoto presentations in Kaua’i– 2001, 2004
  • Hospice Subtle Energy Medicine Workshop, May 2000
  • Coordinator/founder/facilitator of weekly Goddess gatherings, 1998 – 2002
  • Coordinator/presenter at Holland Wise Woman Gathering, May 1998
  • Director of Music for Starry Night theatre production, 1999
  • Coordinator, sponsor, and performer– Shulamit workshop on Kaballah, March 2002
  • Music for ongoing Shine events with Medicinal Mindfulness, 2016-2017
  • Music for ongoing Medicinal Mindfulness, breathwork and conscious cannabis circles
  • Ongoing Kundalini yoga/sacred sound journeys
  • Presenter and Shamanism Conference in Boulder 2014
  • Red Rocks performance 2011– Colorado
  • Opening for Dr. Richard Gerber, Choices Expo, Tucson, Arizona
  • Performance at Choices Expo, Tucson Arizona
  • Tucson Soundings Concert, Nov. 2006, Tucson , Arizona
  • Workshops at Kauai Peace Project November 2004
  • Concert at Stonehenge, England, July 2003
  • Concert at Glastonbury, England, July 2003
  • Performance at Chalice Well, England, July 2003
  • ISSSEEM Conference, Musical meditations, June 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
  • INATS Conference in Denver Colorado, musical presentation Sept 2002
  • Borders Bookstore Union City June 2003
  • Earthfest Kauai, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003
  • Alan Cohen retreat conference Maui, May 2003
  • James Twyman peace troubador concert, Kaua’i, January 2002
  • Arun Gandhi opening, Kaua’i, March 2002
  • David LaMott concert, Kaua’i, March 2002
  • Harnessing the Power of Creation conference, Kaua’i, March 2002
  • Shulamit—Sacred Sounds of the Kaballah, Kaua’i, March 2002
  • Earth Magic concerts, Kaua’i, April 2002
  • Japan tour March 2003
  • Church of the Pacific concert, February 2003
  • Europe tour October-November 2001
  • Peace Through Music Tour May-August 2002
  • Open Secret, CA concert, May 2002
  • Fort Bragg, CA Concert, May 2002
  • Mendocino, CA Concert and workshop, May 2002
  • Tucson, AZ Concert and Workshops, February- May 2002
  • ISSSEEM closing ceremony, Boulder, Colorado, June 2002, 2003
  • Various inter-island tours Hawaii 1996-2003
  • Musical presentation for Dr. Andrew Weil and Interns/Fellows, Tucson, Arizona June 2002, October 2002, June 2003
  • Various wedding ceremonies, Kaua’i, 1999-2003
  • Monthly Sufi dance, Kaua’i (and Arizona) 1998-2003
  • Unity Church Services (Hawaii and California) 2001-2003
  • Lydia Ruyle Goddess Banner art opening, Kaua’i, January 2001
  • Millenium Celebration, Kaua’i, Holiday Inn Sunspree Hotel, January 2000 and 2001
  • Big Island concert tours, April 2000, July 2000, December 2001
  • Tara Trance Dance with Stephen Halpern and Jonathan Goldman, Boulder Theatre June 2001
  • Concert with Christian Bollman, Numbrecht, Germany, November 2001
  • Musical attunement for Dr. Patrick Flanagan lecture, Kaua’i, December 2001
  • New Age Conference/Trade Show, Denver 2001
  • Princess Cruises 1997 and 2001
  • Performer/ workshop presenter at Spirit of Learning conference Kaua’i, May 2001
  • Kauai International Theatre Benefit, Sept. through November 2000
  • Maile awards ceremony at Borders Bookstore, Kaua’i, October 2000
  • Gallery 2000 Benefit, Kaua’i, November 2000
  • New Millenium Conference, Kaua’i, March 2000
  • Kalani Honua concerts, Big Island, April 2000, July 2000
  • St. Michael’s concerts, Kaua’i, December 1997, December 1998, February 2000, April 2000
  • Once in Time live performance and audio production, Kaua’i, November 1999, December 2000
  • Lost at Last concert, Kaua’i, July 2000
  • Kauai International Theatre, April 2000, August 2000
  • Dave Stringer concerts, Kaua’i, August 2000
  • Irina Mikhalova concerts, Kaua’i, Big Island, California, 1998-2002
  • Lisa Moskov concert, Kaua’i, June 1999
  • Latif Bolat concerts, Kaua’i and Maui, 1997-1998
  • Kukui Grove Artist Gallery Opening, Kaua’i, June 2000
  • Borders Bookstore Sound as Medicine presentation and CD release, Kaua’i, October 1999
  • Veterinary Conference, Kaua’i, November 1998, upcoming November 2003
  • Future Fair, Kaua’i, October 1998
  • Trance Ecstatic Dance workshop, Kaua’i, February 1998
  • L.A. Expo, November 1997
  • Phoenix Lover’s Fireshow, Oahu, April 1996
  • Hotel at Manele Bay, island of Lanai, July 1995
  • Ala Moana Shopping Center concert, Oahu, June 1995
  • Tai Hsuan Cultural Performances, Oahu, 1994-1995


  • President — Radiance Health Integrative Medical Center
  • Director of Healing Arts — Circles of Light non-profit agency
  • Member of SEDS program — Students for the Exploration and Discovery of Space
  • Member of Golden Key National Honors Society
  • Member of the Association of Healing Arts Practitioners
  • Founder of Heartherapy and Gaearth, dedicated to using music and frequency to alleviate suffering and facilitate change, growth, and transition for personal and global transformation